
It’s always difficult to know what’s acceptable to wear once you hit middle age, but a survey of 2,000 men has resulted in a definitive list of clothing to give up past 40.


Among the most offensive items in the top 20 list are hoodies, beanie hats, Speedos, parkas and flip flops, as well as generally deplorable garments such as novelty ties and oversized suits.


It seems there es a time for most men when they outgrow their current style but have no clue how to adapt their look for a new stage in their lives, said John Griffiths, marketing director of Spaceslide, who missioned the research.

该调查的负责人, Spaceslide的市场总监格里菲思说“大部分男性似乎到了这样一个时期:他们过了当前风格的年龄,但是又不知道如何适应他们生命中这个新阶段的新形象”。

Results of the research will e as a wake-up call to many celebrities, who tend to cling to youth with a tighter grip than most, but how many of the now-contraband items are you guilty of wearing?


Above, tracksuits More difficult news from the electorate for Labour: shell suits, or tracksuits of any variety, are the clobber of a young man.

