

  教育简历:  1993.7-1995.12 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 理学博士  1990.7-1993.7 山东大学化学与化工学院 理学硕士  1983.7-1987.7 山东师范大学化学化工与材料科学学院 理学学士  研究经历:  2004.7-2004.9 Physical Chemistry I, Bayreuth University, Germany, Alexander von Humboldt�DFoundation, Research Fellow (洪堡学者)  2003.3-2003.5 Physical Chemistry I, Bayreuth University, Germany, Alexander von Humboldt�DFoundation, Research Fellow (洪堡学者)  2000.12-2002.11 Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, Research Support Specialist (研究专家)  1998.10-2000.12 Physical Chemistry I, Bayreuth University, Germany, Alexander von Humboldt�DFoundation, Research Fellow (洪堡学者)  1998.4-1998.10 Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan, Daiko�DFoundation Fellow (大幸学者)  1995.12-1997.12 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所, 博士后  工作经历:  2002.11- 山东大学胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室,关键岗教授、博士生导师。  学术**:  1)中国化学会胶体与界面化学学科组成员;  2)Membership for International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists(IACIS);  3) Membership for Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation(AvH).


  物理化学,授课对象: 化学、应用化学和化学与化工双学位本科生


  Colloid and Interface Chemistry, Amphiphilic Components (Surfactants and Polymers) in Aqueous Solutions, Templating Applications of Self-assembled Structures, and Nanoscale Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Matters in Aqueous Solutions, etc.


  1. H. Hoffmann, K. Horbaschek, J. Hao*, “Formation of highly swollen Lα-phases and vesicle phases from single chain surfactants by chemical reactions”,Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis,132,69-78,2000  2.冯绪胜,刘洪国,郝京诚等编著, 21世纪化学丛书―《胶体化学》,化学工业出版社,2005年3月出版。


  1. “新型两亲分子体系的多层次结构和复配有序结构研究”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2005.1-2007.12  2. “特殊聚集态制备”,国家自然科学基金海外青年学者合作研究基金(杰出B),国内合作者,2005.1-2007.12  3.“M^(2+)诱导的多层次尺度有序聚集体结构及其模板纳米材料制备”,山东省自然科学基金重点基金,2004.12-2007.11  4.“C60两亲分子合成及聚集体的形成及性质研究”,国家回国留学人员基金,2003.10-2006.10

科研成果   2005 Publications  1. J. Hao,* Th. Zemb, “Chemical reactions and self-assembly in ultra-concentrated and ionic liquids”, Curr. Opin. Colloid Inter. Sci. 2005, Sept.(Invited review)  2. A. Song, S. Dong, J. Hao,* W. Liu, G. Xu, H. Wang, "Functions of fluorosurfactants 1: surface activities-improved and vesicle formation of the short-tailed chain sulfonate salt mixed with fluorosurfactant", J. Fluorine Chem. in press, 2005  3. A. Song, S. Dong, X. Jia, J. Hao,* W. Liu, T. Liu, “An onion-phase in salt-free zero charged catanionic surfactant solutions”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44(26),4018-4021,2005  4. J. Hao,* A. Song, J. Wang, W. Zhuang, X. Chen, F. Shi, F. Zhou, W. Liu,* “Self-assembled structure in room-temperature ionic liquids”, Chem. J. Eur. 11(20),3936-3940,2005  5. J. Wang, A. Song, X. Jia, J. Hao,* W. Liu, H. Hoffmann,“Two routes to vesicle formation: metal-ligand plexations and ionic interactions”J. Phys. Chem.B 109(22),11126-11134, 2005  6. Z. Zhai, M. Zhao, D. Sun, J. Hao, L. Zhang, "Salt-induced vesicle formation from single anionic surfactant SDBS and its mixture with LSB in aqueous solution", J. Phys. Chem. B 109(12),5627-5620,2005  2004 publications  7. J. Hao,* H. Hoffmann,“Self-assembled structures in excess and salt-free catanionic surfactant solutions”, Curr. Opin. Colloid Inter. Sci. 9(2),273-293,2004 (Invited review)  8. J. Hao,* H. Li, W. Liu, A. Hirsch,“ Well-defined self-assembling supramolecular strcutres in water containing a **all amount of C60”, Chem. Comm. 602-603, 2004  9. J. Hao,* Z. Yuan, W. Liu, H. Hoffmann,“Aggregate Transition from Nanodisks to Equilibrium among Vesicles and Disks”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108(50), 19163-19168, 2004  10. J. Hao*, J. Wang, W. Liu, H. Hoffmann, “Zn^(2+)-induced vesicle formation by a Kinetic Reaction in Aqueous Mixtures of Single-tailed Catanionic Surfactants”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108(16), 5105-5112, 2004  2003 publications  12. J. Hao*, W. Liu, G. Xu, I. Zheng, “Vesicles from salt-free cationic-anionic surfactant solutions”, Langmuir 19(26), 10635-10640,2003  13. F. Zhou, W. Liu*, J. Hao, T. Xu, M. Chen, Q. Xue “Fabrication of conducting polymer and plementary Gold microstructures using polymer brushes as templates”, Adv. Functional Mater., 13(12), 938-942,2003  14. 郝京诚*,黄建滨,徐桂英,郑利强,刘维民,H. Hoffmann, “两亲分子溶液聚集体结构的冷冻刻蚀电子显微镜研究”,中国科学(B缉), 33(4),273-279,2003  Hao Jingcheng*, Huang Jian**n, Xu Guiying, Zheng Liqiang, Liu Weimin, Heinz Hoffmann, “Freeze-fracture tran**ission electron microscopy studies on the self-assemblies of amphiphilic solutions”, Science in China (Series B), 46(6), 567-576,2003.