

hiv带领者 hiv carrier

爱国保健疏通 patriotic sanitation campaign

维持安康 keep fit

保健食物 healthy food

病从口入 illness enters via the mouth

病案 case history

藏族医学 traditional *****an medicine

胃肠病 gastro-intestinal trouble

常用和拯救用* drugs for daily and emergency use

都会社区保健效劳重心 munity health service centers in urban areas

城市和乡村基础调理保健轨制 basic urban and rural health care system

城市和集镇员工基础调理保障轨制 basic medical insurance system for urban employees

创造保健进步都会 build an advanced clean city

独立二胎 couples with one spouse being an only child are permitted to have two children

低生养程度 a low **rth rate

低脂茶饭 low-fat diet

碘不足症 iodine deficient disease

独生后代策略 the one-child policy

多发病 frequently occurring diseases

防止瘟疫站 epidemic prevention station

喷射科 x-ray department

减少疗法 relaxation therapy

类风湿性关键炎 rheumatic arthritis

服* take medicine

妇产科 department of obstetrics and gynecology

妇产病院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital

妇女病 gynecological diseases

高空缺氧 altitude anoxia

高危人群 high-risk group

部分保健 personal hygiene

公费调理 free medical service

大众保健 public health

大众保健办法 public health utilities

国立病院变革 public hospital reform

骨科 department of orthopedics

备案处 registration office

国际红新月会会 international red cross

国度级保健都会 state-level hygienic

国度国医*处置局 state administration of traditional chinese medicine

透气体例病症 respiratory diseases

看护长 head nurse

情况保健 environmental sanitation

环境卫生工人 sanitation man

换* change dressings

患眼疾 have trouble in one's eyesight

基础*物 essential medicine

基础医保 basic health care insurance

基础调理保障 basic medical insurance

基础调理保健效劳 basic medicare and health service

下层调理卫盼望构 munity-level medical and health care institutions

拯救重心 first-aid center

慢性病 acute disease

耐性病 chronic disease

急诊调理 emergency medical treatment

假劣方剂事变 incidents of counterfeit and low-quality drugs

煎* decoct herbal medicine

倡导零卖价 remended retail price

安康表明 health certificate

救扶伤 heal the wounded and rescue the dying

开* prescribe a medicine

看病难和看病贵 inadequate and unaffordable medical services

口腔保健 oral hygiene

垃圾车 garbage truck

垃圾箱 garbage can

自保调理轨制 labor medicare system

暮年证 senior citizen identity card

良性肿瘤 benign tumor

恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor

忠言逆耳 good medicine tastes **tter

劣质食物 inferior foodstuff

母亲和婴儿传递 mother-to-child tran**ission

内科 department of internal medicine

乡村协作调理 rural cooperative medical service
