
宋志明 - 基本信息 姓 名:宋志明 任教专业:哲学-哲学类 在职情况:在职 性 别:男 所在院系:哲学院 宋志明 - 本人简介

宋志明,1947年生,吉林省吉林市人,哲学博士。现为哲学院教授、博士生导师,中国人民大学书报资料中心总编,中国人民大学学术委员会委员。学术专长为中国近现代哲学研究,主要著作有《现代新儒家研究》、《现代中国哲学思潮》、《熊十力评传》、《冯友兰学术思想评传》、《贺麟新儒学思想研究》、《20世纪中国实证哲学研究》、《中华儒学源流》、《陈献章》等。研究方向是中国古代哲学与传统文化、中国近现代哲学、传统哲学与现代化等。 社会**: 中国哲学史学会副会长,中国现代哲学史学会副会长,中国社会科学情报学会副理事长

近期论文: 1、从批孔到释孔的转折,文史哲,2001 2、传统哲学智慧的升华――读李鼎铭著《中国哲学思想体系与民族传统概论》,哲学研究,2001 3、评张东荪的多元认识论,中国人民大学学报,2002 4、现代中国哲学的主要问题,教学与研究,2003 5、现代中国哲学的主要问题,新华文摘,2003 6、中国马克思主义哲学的历史轨迹,中国人民大学学报,2003 7、儒道价值观比较研究,新华文摘,2004 8、论中国近代哲学的转向,中国人民大学学报,2004 9、儒学价值观与民族精神的培育,教学与研究,2004 10、论中国近代哲学的转向,新华文摘,2005 11、对马克思主义的历史选择:兼论冯契的人格理念, 教学与研究,2005 12、德性儒学成就、困境与走向,中国人民大学学报,2006 近期著作: 1、《20世纪中国实证哲学研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2、《马克思主义哲学原理》(教材),统计出版社 3、《批孔和释孔――儒学的现代走向》,华东师大出版社 4、《中国传统哲学通论》,中国人民大学出版社 5、《中华民族精神论纲》(合编),中国人民大学出版社

Song Zhiming, male, was born in 1947 at Jilin. He graduated as one of the first group of Doctors from Renmin University of China in 1986. His main research field is Chinese Philosophy, with specialization in contemporary Chinese philosophy, traditional culture and modernization. He has so far published more than 20 books, such as Studies on Modern Neo-Confucianists, Origin and Its Development of Chinese Confuciani**, Studies on Chinese Classical Philosophy, A Critical Biography of Xiong-Shili, Studies on He-Lin’s Neo-Confuciani**, Studies on Academic Thoughts of Feng-Youlan, General Discussion on Chinese Traditional Philosophy, and 100 more academic papers. He won a Nomination Award of the Third State Book Prize issued by the General Administration of Press and Publication of The P. R. China, “Five Ones” Project Prize, Prize for Excellent Research Achievement issued by RUC, First Prize for Excellent Teaching Achievement issued by RUC, Third Prize for Teaching Achievement of Beijing. He is also subsidized Governmental Special Award issued by State Council. His pleted projects include May 4th: Critici** and Explanation of Confucius ―― the Evolution of the Trend of Modern Chinese Philosophy, a program granted by National Foundation for Social Sciences and Reviews on the Trend of Chinese Positivist Philosophy in the 20th Century, a program of Humanities and Social Sciences secondly approved in the period of “the ninth-five-years”, financially supported by Doctoral Program Foundation under State Education Commission. The undergoing project, granted by National Foundation for Social Sciences as well, is the Direction of Modern Neo-Confuciani**. He is currently a mitteeman of the Academic Committee of RUC, Professor and Ph.D. Director of Philosophy Dept. of RUC, Chief editor of Information Center for Social Sciences of RUC, Vice-president of Chinese Philosophical History Institute, Vice-director of the Social Science Information Academy of China.

宋志明 - 参考资料 宋志明教授教学评价:http://pinglaoshi./teacherId315269