








鸟类生态学 (Avian ecology)。主要研究鸟类的迁徙停歇生态 (stopover ecology)、栖息地生态 (ha**tat ecology) 以及环境变化对鸟类的影响 (environmental change **ology)。


1.Ma Z.J.* Hua N., Zhang X., Guo H.Q., Zhao B., Ma Q., Xue W.J., Tang C.D. 2011. Wind conditions affect stopover decisions and fuel stores of shore**rds migrating through the south Yellow Sea. I**s, 153: 755-767.

2.Ma Z.J.*, Gan X.J., Cai Y.T., Chen J.K., Li B. 2011. Effects of exotic Spartina alterniflora on the ha**tat patch associations of breeding saltmarsh **rds at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River estuary, China. Biological Invasions, 13: 1673-1686.

3. Gan X.J., Choi C.Y., Wang Y.,Ma Z.J.*, Chen J.K., Li B. 2010. Alteration of ha**tat structure and food resources by invasive **ooth cordgrass affects ha**tat use by wintering saltmarsh **rds at Chongming Dongtan of east China. The Auk, 127: 317-327.

4.Ma Z.J.*, Cai Y.T., Li B., Chen J.K. 2010. Managing wetland ha**tats for water**rds: An international perspective. Wetlands, 30: 15-27.

5.Ma Z.J.*, Li B., Li. W.J., Han N.Y. Chen J.K., Watkinson. A. 2009. Conflicts between **odiversity conservation and development in a **osphere reserve. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 527-535.

6. Choi C.Y., Gan X.J., Ma Q., Zhang K.J., Chen J.K.,Ma Z.J.* 2009. Body condition and fuel deposition patterns of calidrid sandpipers during migratory stopover. Ardea, 97: 61-70.

7.Ma Z.J.*, Wang Y., Gan X.J., Li B., Cai Y.T., Chen J.K. 2009. Water**rd population changes in the wetlands at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River estuary, China. Environmental Management, 43: 1187-1200.

8. Gan X.J., Cai Y.T., Choi C.Y.,Ma Z.J.*, Chen J.K., Li B. 2009. Potential impacts of invasive Spartina alterniflora on spring **rd munities at Chongming Dongtan, a Chinese wetland of International Importance. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 83: 211-218.

荣誉记录 郑作新鸟类青年研究奖(2008) (Cheng Tso-Hsin Young Ornithologist Prize),上海市教学成果一等奖(2009,排名第3) (Shanghai Educational Achievements Award, 1st Prize),上海市科技进步二等奖(2006,排名第2) (Shanghai Science and Technology Advancement Award, 2nd Prize), UNESCO Yong Scientist Award (2002).