
(1918―)中国摄影家.广东番禺人,生于香港,幼年回广州定居.1932年入岭南大学中学部读书,课余自修摄影.1938年4月到延安,先后就读于陕北公学和抗日军政大学.1939年,任抗大记者团摄影记者,随后任冀中军区**部摄...,概述 (1918―)中国摄影家.广东番禺人,生于香港,幼年回广州定居.1932年入岭南大学中学部读书,课余自修摄影.1938年4月到延安,先后就读于陕北公学和抗日军政大学.1939年,任抗大记者团摄影记者,随后任冀中军区**部摄影组长、摄影科长.1950年,任**新闻总署新闻摄影局副秘书长兼摄影处处长,1952年任新华社摄影部主任,1959年任新华社副社长.1956年,中国摄影学会成立,当选为该学会理事会**.1960年,当选为中国摄影学会第二届理事会**.1962年,在北京举办“石少华影展”。1979年,任中国摄影家协会常务理事,兼任新华出版社社长.1984年,任中国老年摄影协会会长.1985年,任中国摄影家协会第四届理事会**.曾当选为第二、三届全国政协委员和**第九、十届**委员会候补委员.在革命战争年代拍摄的作品有:《地道战》、《白洋淀上雁翎队》、《埋地雷》、《行军在长城脚下》、《攻占张家口》、《戎冠秀》、《蒋家残兵》、《踏破渤海千重浪》、《大好河山,重放光明》等,具有强烈的战斗气息和珍贵的史料价值;中华人民共和国成立后的主要作品有《老贫农讲家史》、《钢锭》、《红绸舞》、《坎儿井》、《胜利腰鼓》等.作品题材广泛,思想深刻,充满了时代气息,且善于捕捉事物的本质特征,构图、立意均有独到之处,风格自然、含蓄、深沉.摄影论文有:《谈新闻摄影》、《摄影记者的工作》、《中国摄影简史》等.专著有《新闻摄影和摄影记者》、《摄影与实践》等. (1918 -) Chinese photographers. Panyu in Guangdong, who was born in Hong Kong, the juvenile back to Guangzhou to settle .1932-year study into the secondary section of Lingnan University, after-school self-taught photographer .1938 4 months to Yan'an in northern Shaanxi has studied at the College and the anti-Japanese Military and Political University of .1939, he was the Kang Da Press photographer, followed by either Hebei Military Region, head of the Political Department of Photography, photography head of .1950, he was the Central Information Agency Deputy Secretary-General News Photography Director of Photography, 1952 Xinhua News Agency, he served as director of photography, 1959, he served as vice president .1956 Xinhua News Agency, China Photographic Society was established, was elected President of the Council of the Institution of 1960, he was elected the second session of the Chinese Photographic Society of .1962 years President of the Council , held in Beijing, "Shi Shaohua Film Festival." In 1979, he served as executive director of the Chinese Photographers Association, he served as president of Xinhua Publishing House .1984, he served as president of the Chinese Photographic Society .1985 years old, he was the fourth President of the Council of China Photographers Association. Was elected as the second, three-time member of the CPPCC National Committee and the Chinese Communists ninth and tenth Central Committee alternate member. During the revolutionary war film works are: "Tunnel Warfare", "Yan-Ling Baiyangdian on the team", "buried landmines," "the march at the foot of the Great Wall" , "capture Zhangjiakou", "Rong Guanxiu", "Chiang Can**ng", "walks the Bohai Sea a thousand waves," "great rivers and mountains, heavy shine," and so on, with a strong flavor and valuable fighting historical value; The People's Republic of China After the establishment of major works including the "old poor peasant family history talk," "ingot", "Red Silk Dance", "Karez", "Victory drum" and so on. works of broad range of topics and profound ideas, full of flavor of the times, and good at capturing things The essential characteristics, position, conception have a unique style, a natural, subtle and deep. photographic papers are: "to talk about news photography" "photographer's work", "A Brief History of Chinese Photography" and so on. monograph of "News Photography and the photographer "" photography and practice "and so on.
