
(1608―1674)英国诗人.生于伦敦,父亲为公证人.1625―1632年就读剑桥大学,获硕士学位.大学期间写了不少拉丁文和英文作品,短诗《快乐的人》和《幽思的人》(均1632)为优秀之作.此后在父亲的别墅闭门读书,并写...,概述 (1608―1674)英国诗人.生于伦敦,父亲为公证人.1625―1632年就读剑桥大学,获硕士学位.大学期间写了不少拉丁文和英文作品,短诗《快乐的人》和《幽思的人》(均1632)为优秀之作.此后在父亲的别墅闭门读书,并写出诗剧《科玛斯》(1634)和短诗《利西达斯》(1637)等.1638年赴意大利旅行,次年为投身清**的斗争而回国.他站在清**一边,写出一系列散文小册子参加宗教论战.164年发表小册子《论出版自由》,认为只有自由讨论才能使真理胜利.同年发表文章《论教育》,主张学生在《圣经》和**教的原则指导下学习古典文学,以使他们成为聪明、有教养、肯负责的公民与**.1649年查理一世被处死后的两周,发表《论国王与官吏的职权》,认为君权来自人民,君主滥用权力时人民有权将它收回,甚至有权处死*君.他还发表《偶像破坏者》(1649)、《为英国人民声辩》(1650)、《再为英国人民声辩》(1654)等文章来维护共和国及其领袖.160年发表最后一篇政论《建立共和国的简易办法》,坚决反对王朝复辟.因劳累过度,1651年双目失明.160年5月被复辟王朝投入监狱,但很快获释.从此专心写作,完成了3部取材《圣经》的长诗.《失乐园》(167)写亚当、夏娃因魔鬼撒旦诱惑堕落被上帝逐出伊甸园的故事,影射了资产阶级革命者因骄矜、堕落而终遭失败,具有史诗的气势和格调.续篇《复乐园》(1671)写耶稣在荒原中战胜撒旦的诱惑,恢复了亚当丧失的谦虚和自制,作品赞颂坚定的信仰、坚强的意志和勇于牺牲的精神.《力士参孙》被认为是他最成功的作品,这是以希腊悲剧为典范的诗剧,写参孙被俘后历尽屈辱,最后与敌人比武时摇动柱子使武厅倒塌,与敌人同归于尽.全剧以心理分析为主,参孙通过自责和忏悔达到精神重振.他的作品贯穿着一个共同的思想:感情冲动排斥理智而使人类堕落,自制和自强使人精神复兴.《失乐园》发表后他声誉日高,到维多利亚时期则影响渐衰,20世纪40―50年代又引起注意. (1608-1674) British poet. Was born in London, his father as a notary public .1625-1632 years studying at Cambridge University, received a master’s degree. College to write a lot of Latin and English works, ditty "happy" and " meditate person "(both 1632) as good as the. then in his father’s house behind closed doors reading, and writing poetic drama," COMAS "(1634) and the ditty" Lixidasi "(1637), etc. .1638 year went to Italy to travel next year to join the Puritan struggle for the home. He stood Puritan side, write a series of booklets to participate in religious polemics .164 essays published booklet "On freedom of the press", that only the free discussion in order to make the truth victory. In the same year published an article "On Education" and advocate the students in the "Bible" and guided by the principles of Christianity to study classical literature, in order to enable them to bee **art, educated, responsible citizens and leaders willing to .1649 sentenced to years after the death of Charles the 2 weeks, published "On the Emperor and the officials of the authority," that the monarchical power from the people, the sovereign abuse of power, people have the right to recover it, or even have the right to execute a tyrant. He also published "iconoclastic" (1649), "for the British people, protests its "(1650)," and then for the British people, protests its "(1654) and other articles to defend the Republic and its leaders, .160, published last a publicist," A simple approach to the establishment of the Republic, "and firmly opposed to dynastic restoration. due to overwork , 1651 blind .160 dynasty years in May was the restoration in prison, but soon released. Since then concentrate on his writing, pleting three derived "Bible" poem. "Paradise Lost" (167) to write Adam and Eve because of Satan the devil the temptation to fall was the story of God’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, was a metaphor for the bourgeois revolutionaries because of haughty, degradation and eventually were defeated, with the momentum and the epic style. sequel, "Paradise Regained" (1671) wrote of Jesus victory over Satan in the wilderness the temptation of Adam restored the loss of modesty and self-control, works praise a firm faith, strong will and courage to sacrifice. "Samson Agonistes" is considered his most successful works, which is based on Greek tragedy as a prime example of the epic write Samson captured going through the humiliation, the final contest with the enemy when you shake the pillars so that the Office of the collapse of arms, with the enemy die. sung in psycho****ysis mainly Samson through remorse and repentance for spiritual revitalization. His work throughout the with a mon idea: the feelings of exclusion of rational impulses allow humankind degenerate, self-restraint and self-improvement makes the spirit of revival. "Paradise Lost" the day’s high after the release of his reputation, to the Victorian era affected the gradual decline in the 20th century has caused the age 40-50 Note.
