

希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。 Hope is happiness, create will be happy. 快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍快乐。 Will know how to share happiness, to double happiness. 健康是智慧的条件,快乐的标志。

最快乐的事莫过于无拘无束。The most happy thing is free.没有一回的快乐是无烦扰的。Happiness is no bother no one.节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。

希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。Hope is happiness, create will be happy.视困难为常规,以付出为快乐。View difficulties as normal, in order to pay for happiness.希望至少是穷人易于得到的快乐。

成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权利。 Success is an idea, getting rich is an obligation, and happiness is a right. 行动不一定带来快乐,但没有行动则肯定没有快乐。


1、享受生活英语名言 1) Enrich your life today, yesterday is historytomorrow is mystery充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。2) The secret of success is constancy to purpose成功的秘密在于始终如一地忠于目标。

2、The longest day has an end.最难过的日子也有尽头。—— Howell 贺韦尔 The darkest hour is that before the dawn.黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。

3、生活幸福来自安全,人生快乐首当平安。 Happy life happiness es from safety, life first when peace. 世界上没有快乐的地方,只有快乐的人。


智爱使人快乐关于开心生活的英语名言,愚爱使人痛苦。 Wisdom love makes people happy关于开心生活的英语名言, fool love painful. 希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。 Hope is happiness, create will be happy. 快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍快乐。

Don t rely on others, there must be goals to pursue, it has nothing to do with age.人生是一场博弈,你不去规划人生,人生就要来规划你。

助人为快乐之本。help others for happiness.路见不平,拔刀相助。the road sees rough, draw out a sword to help them.助人为乐是一种美德。help others is a virtue.每有患急,先人后己。





3、、英文关于开心生活的英语名言:its great to be great , but its greater to be human. 4do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effor.不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。
