
[汉]新丰(今陕西临潼)人。工写牛马飞鸟。按历代画史汇传谓能人物。考西京杂记、历代名画记、图绘宝鉴均未言其能人物。《西京杂记》,概述 唐中期诗人刘禹锡、白居易的并称.两人友谊深厚,写有大量酬唱诗,编写《刘白唱和集》三卷.白居易曾以“四海齐名白与刘”自夸.二人诗通俗明白,流畅上口.白诗于平浅中有铺张放纵之势,刘诗在细致中却比较节制约束;刘诗思想内容虽不如白诗丰富深刻,却善吸取民歌精华,而具有优美圆熟的艺术技巧. The mid-Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi, Po Chu-i saying. Two deep friendship and a large number of paid to write hymns, write "Liu White chimed sets," three volumes. Bai Ju-yi once said that "universal par White and Liu," boasted. Two poems popular understand that **ooth mi. Bai Shi Yu Ping has extravagant indulgence of the shallow potential, LIU Shi-in has been more restrained in the detailed constraints; Liu Shisi though not like the content, such as white, rich and profound poetry, but good lessons folk essence, but with a beautiful mature, artistic skills.
