
(1856―1936)英国摄影家.生于古巴,原是一位医生.自然主义摄影流派的创始人.认为摄影能够无比精确地再现大自然的光线、色调和结构,是其他任何黑白图像都不能与之相比的艺术表现手段,最接近自然的艺术才是最高的艺术.还认为...,概述 (1856―1936)英国摄影家.生于古巴,原是一位医生.自然主义摄影流派的创始人.认为摄影能够无比精确地再现大自然的光线、色调和结构,是其他任何黑白图像都不能与之相比的艺术表现手段,最接近自然的艺术才是最高的艺术.还认为摄影是一门独立的艺术形式,与其他艺术形式处于完全平等的地位,摄影家模仿美术绘画的题材和方法是愚蠢的,应从自然景物中寻找灵感,忠实地反映自然.在其所著的《自然主义摄影》一书中阐述了自己的观点.当自然主义摄影蓬勃发展之时,他突然放弃了关于自然主义摄影的观点,承认摄影也是一门非常局限的艺术,并写下了《自然主义摄影的灭亡》一书. (1856-1936) British photographer. Born in Cuba, was originally a doctor. Naturalistic photography genre's founder. That photography can be extremely accurate reproduction of nature, light, color and structure of any other black and white images can not be parable means of artistic expression, the closest the art of nature is the best art. also believe that photography is an independent art form, and other art forms in a pletely equal footing, photographer imitating art painting subjects and methods of is foolish, we should start looking for inspiration in the natural landscape, faithfully reflecting the natural. In his book, "naturalistic photography," a book laying out his views. When the naturalistic photography to flourish when he suddenly gave up on natural i** photography view of how photography is also a very limited art, and wrote the "demise of naturalistic photography," a book.