





  卡利在中古后期的孟加拉宗教文献中同样是一个中心角色,其崇拜者包括Ramprasad Sen(1718-75). 直到18世纪早期孟加拉式崇拜开始之前,由于不同于湿婆的配偶帕尔瓦蒂,卡利很少在印度神话和偶像描绘里被描绘为母亲角色。



   仁慈何以寻诸于彼冰铁之心?(将卡利引申为喜马拉雅的女儿) 伊岂有情,将横踹神主之怀欤? 吾母,人呼尔仁善,却无点滴慈悲能查 汝断儿童之首,编之为装饰之环 千次呼汝“母亲、母亲”亦无益,汝必逆颈而忽略 因此Ramprasad强调,要做卡利的孩子,就要弃绝尘世的享乐。卡利并不会给与人们所要求的东西。对崇拜者来说,也许正是由于卡利女神拒绝赐予,她的崇拜者才会因此而对他们自己做出深层的反思并超越物质世界的诱惑。






  Kali - Black Earth Mother, Conqueror of Time, Goddess of fertility, death and regeneration. Dark Mother, Hindu triple Goddess of creation, preservation and destruction. Birth and Death Mother. Treasure house of Compassion, Giver of Life to the World. Her mantras brought into being the very things whose names She spoke for the first time, Originator of the creative word or Logos. A triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother, Crone. Lady of the Dead. The Ocean of Blood at the beginning and end of the world. Also known as Jagadamba.


  From Wikipedia: Kali is a destructive and creative aspect of God as the Divine Mother in Hindui**.


  Kali is the fierce aspect of Devi, God’s energy, i.e., Shakti or God as the Divine Mother, who is fundamental to all other Hindu deities.


  The continuous, ongoing work of Creation is described as "the play of Kali".


  Kali is considered to be the destroyer of evil spirits and the preserver of devotees. [This brought voodoo to mind.]


  ] She is the consort of Shiva. 她是湿婆的配偶。 Her name seems to be a female version of the word ’kala’ (Sanskrit for ’dark’ or ’time’ - time in this form being a euphemi** for death). It also means Black Female, in contrast to her consort, Shiva, who is white. [Yin/yang]


  Kali is the mon name for Energy in her form as Shiva’s wife, or Shakti.


  Many people also believe her to be the same as Durga, even though this is not true as Durga is the terrible aspect of Devi, not the Shakti of Shiva. Other names are: Bhowani Devi, Sati, Rudrani, Parvati, Chinnamastika, Kamakshi, Uma, Menakshi, Himavati, Kumari. These names, if repeated, are believed to give special power to the worshipper.

  很多人都相信她与杜迦女神一样,甚至认为杜迦才是朵维**的一面,而不是湿婆的萨克提。其他的名字是:布瓦尼朵维,萨提,鲁达尼,帕娃蒂,支那玛提卡,卡玛克什,乌玛,曼拿克什,喜马瓦提,卡玛里。这些名字,如果再三重复,据说会给予崇拜者特殊的力量。 Kali makes her ’official’ debut in the Devi-Mahatmya, where she is said to have emanated from the brow of Goddess Durga (slayer of demons) during one of the battles between the divine and anti-divine forces. Etymologically Durga’s name means "Beyond Reach". She is thus an echo of the woman warrior’s fierce virginal autonomy. In this context Kali is considered the ’forceful’ form of the great goddess Durga.


  Skulls, cemeteries, and blood are associated with her worship.


  She is black and emaciated. Her face is azure, streaked with yellow, her glance is ferocious; her disheveled and bristly hair is usually shown splayed and spread like the tail of a peacock and sometimes braided with green serpents.


  She wears a long necklace (descending almost to her knees) of human skulls. She may be shown wearing a girdle of severed arms. Children’s corpses as earrings (likeliest representing natural infant mortality and childhood mortality from causes such as disease), and cobras as bracelets or garlands add to her terrifying adornments.


  Her purple lips are often shown streaming with blood; her tusk-like teeth descend over her lower lip; and her tongue lolls out. She is often shown standing on the inert form of her consort, Shiva. She is sometimes acpanied by she-demons. Her four arms hold weapons or the severed head of a demon: these objects symbolize both her creative and her destructive power, for Kali personifies the am**valence of deity, which manifests itself, according to Indian tradition, in the unceasing cycle of life and death, creation and destruction.

