
萨尔瓦多·夸齐莫多,一译夸西莫多(1901~1968)  Quasimodo,Salvatore,概述 (1901―1968)意大利诗人、评论家和翻译家.生于西西里岛锡腊库扎一个铁路职员家庭.1928年开始写诗,1930年出版**本诗集《水与土》,继而发表了《消逝的笛声》(1932)、《诗抄》(1938)、《瞬息间是夜晚》(1942)等.这些诗作主要抒发对故乡和亲人的思念、对童年的回忆及内心的哀伤、对自由的渴望等个人情感.反***抵抗运动开展以后开始写作“社会诗”。诗集《日复一日》(1947)、《生活不是梦》(1949)等追忆***的残*、战争的浩劫和人民的反***斗争.30年代中期起出版了大量翻译作品.《诗人、**家及其他随笔》(1960)收集了许多批评文章.1959年获诺贝尔文学奖. (1901-1968) Italian poet, critic and translator. Born in Sicily, tin December Cuza a railway clerks family .1928 began writing poetry, this collection of poems first published in 1930, "Water and earth," and then issued a " a siren fade away "(1932)," Poems "(1938)," twinkling of an eye is the Night "(1942), etc.. These poems primarily home and loved ones to express the thoughts, memories of childhood and the inner sadness, for free desire for such personal feelings. to carry out anti-fascist resistance movement began after writing "social poetry." Collection of poems, "Day after day" (1947), "Life is not a Dream" (1949), etc. Remembrance of fascist brutality, the scourge of war and the people’s struggle against fasci** .30 since the mid-published a lot of translation work. "Poet, politician , and other Essay "(1960) to collect a number of critical articles .1959 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
