

地毯的英语表达为carpet/rug,例如:A coffee carpet(咖啡色的地毯)、wall-to-wall carpet(全屋地毯)、a hooked rug(钩针编结地毯)。



A coffee carpet咖啡色的地毯.

wall-to-wall carpet全屋地毯

A naked floor未铺地毯的地板

a hooked rug.钩针编结地毯

The carpeting for the entrance lobby needs to be renewed.大厅入口处的地毯需要更换。

Aubusson rug(奥布松出产的)华丽地毯

wall - to - wall carpeting.铺满整个地板的地毯织料

A room carpeted wall-to-wall全部地面铺有地毯的房间.

I can't get these coffee stains out of the carpet.我弄不掉地毯上的咖啡污迹.

The skimpy rug Barely covers the floor.不够大的地毯勉强盖住了地板。

carpet是什么意思:n. 地毯;地毯状覆盖物v. 在…上铺地毯;把花草铺在...上;斥责

Lay the floor with a carpet. [Lay a carpet on the floor.]把地毯铺在地板上。

I bought a chocolate carpet.我买了一块巧克力色的地毯。

A carpet of leaves covered the ground.一层厚厚的落叶覆盖在地上。

The maid was carpeted for breaking the plates.女佣因打碎盆子而受训斥。

The curtains and carpets should match.窗帘和地毯应该相配。

rug是什么意思:n. 毯子

The path to glory is always rugged.通向光荣的道路常常是坎坷不平的。

lancet is asleep on the rug.朗赛特正睡在小地毯上。

The color of these curtains approximates that of the rug.这些窗帘的颜色与地毯的颜色接近。

They walk on the rugged country road.他们在崎岖不平的乡村小路上走着。

The girls are busy braiding rugs.姑娘们忙着编织地毯。

