

My favorite sports player

My favorite sports player is Yao Ming.He is a professional basketball player.He went to NBA in 2002 and made progress rapidly.He is our proud.He has a lot of basketball skills and does well in playing basketball.So he has many fans like me.We all like him!

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My Favourite Sport Star

If you ask me the basketball player I like best , I must say that I love YiJianlian , because of his talent and hard-working .

YiJianlian was born on October 27, 1987 in Heshan city of Guangdong . No one can refuse to say that Yi is a genius . He is 212 cm tall and 110 kg weight . His parents were both handball player . When Yi was young , his parents did not want him to be a player . But Yi is very interested in playing basketball . At last , his parents changed their minds and they are in favour of Yi playing basketball

In November999 , YiJianlian began his basketball career in Shenzhen . At that time , he was not as tall as he is today . But DaiYixin found Yi is a gifted in basketball and encouraged his parents to take him to palestra . Thanks to his hardworking he joined in the Hongyuan Club of Guangdong in 2002 and became the youngest member in CBA . When Yi became a member of our National Basketball Team , he was only 15 year old . He played an important role in the matches of CBA and helped his club won the first prize from 2003 to 2006 . Yi has been a member of NBA since June29 this year and he was the first chinese that walked across the Madieson to join in NBA .

The 2007-2008 regular season of NBA has been on since October31 2007 . As a new member of Milwaukee , the prond of our chinese , Yi is being more and more dominat in NBA . I think he will be a famous basketball player in the whole world . By the way , I have to say , Yi is a student in Guangdong Industry University and he is also very handsome . I love him so much .

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