

迪士尼童星出身 Selena Gomez 赛琳娜戈麦斯。也是一个很棒的人,在欧美人气很高b宝目前的绯闻女友是赛琳娜▪戈麦斯(selena▪gomez)原名为selena marie gomez。他们曾被拍到一起去夏威夷度假,在水下热吻。但有报道说赛琳娜只是贾斯汀比伯认得亲姐姐,也经过b宝的妈妈的同意了。b宝的前任女友是caitlin beadles (凯特琳 比德尔斯),后来因b宝太忙,没有时间陪caitlin ,所以分手了。在前不久也与《baby》的女主角ja**ine marie villegas(杰丝敏·维莱加斯)传过绯闻,两人被拍到在车里热吻。不过b宝事后澄清,他和jv只是很好的朋友,他们确实接吻了,但他觉得那只是一个吻而已,说明不了什么,他觉得在美国16岁的少年吻别人很正常。




'I was in Germany for a performance when the accident happened, and I couldn’t get in contact with anybody. I didn’t know anything until I got back from Germany, and I had all of these text messages and phone calls from friends saying, ‘Caitlin is in the hospital. Please pray for her. She just got into a bad boating accident and she’s lost a lot of blood, and she might die.

I’ve never lost anybody close to me in my family so it was hard for me to hear that. I was scared, so I immediately called up Caitlin’s family, and they weren’t picking up the phone, so I got really nervous. I kept calling and texting and finally I got in contact with Caitlin’s mom. I talked to her on the phone for about 20 minutes and she was crying. It was tough. Caitlin’s actually my ex-girlfriend, I dated her about six months ago, so it was hard because she’s still a good friend.

After talking to Caitlin’s mom, I got the full story about how terrible the accident was. She was jet skiing and fell off, and a boat ran over the top of her legs. It hit both of her femurs, and she almost lost both of her legs. She got airlifted from the scene to the hospital and she actually died in flight, she flatlined and they revived her. I flew out to see her as soon as I heard about it.

I went to the hospital to visit and she looked really bad. She had all of these IV’s in her, and she couldn’t speak at all. I brought her a Build-a-Bear because we had always wanted to make one together and we never got a chance to do it. So, I went and built her a bear and brought it to her in the hospital. I dressed it up as me, I even put a little baseball cap on it. Caitlin was very lucky that she survived, and now she’s doing a lot better. She’s in physical therapy where she’s learning how to walk again, so that’s good.'






