

professor 名词,profess动词。教授 [jiào shòu]

- (高校中最高的职称) professor:

associate professor;

visiting professor; guest professor

- (讲解说明教材内容) instruct; teach; lecture on:

have tact in teaching;

teach history


professorsenior professor

教育科研 education and research development

中国科学院院长 president, chinese academy of sciences

**团执行** executive chairman

科学院院长 president(academies)

学部主任 division chairman

院士 academician

大学校长 president, university

中学校长 principal, secondary school

小学校长 headmaster, primary school

学院院长 dean of college

校董事会董事 trustee, board of trustees

教务主任 dean of studies

总务长 dean of general affairs

注册主管 registrar

系主任 director of department/dean of the faculty

客座教授 visiting professor

交换教授 exchange professor

名誉教授 honorary professor

班主任 class adviser

特级教师 teacher of special grade

研究所所长 director, research institute

研究员 professor

副研究员 associate professor

助理研究员 research associate

研究实习员 research assistant

高级实验师 senior experimentalist

实验师 experimentalist

助理实验师 assistant experimentalist

实验员 laboratory technician

教授 professor

副教授 associate professor

讲师 instructor/lecturer

助教 assistant

高级讲师 senior lecturer

助理讲师 assistant lecturer

教员 teacher

指导教师 instructor
